
How Big Can Lab Grown Diamonds Get?

Lab-grown diamonds are becoming more and more popular for many reasons! They are more sustainable and eco-friendly, up to 20% more affordable than mined diamonds and still have all the beautiful properties that you expect from a quality diamond. 

The first lab grown diamonds were created in 1954 and since then, innovation and technology has transformed the diamond industry. There are many misconceptions about lab-grown diamonds that spread misinformation about the quality of these stones. Lab-grown diamonds are so similar to mined diamonds that the micro differences cannot even be detected by the naked eye - or a microscope for that matter!

Lab-grown diamonds are used in a variety of different lab grown diamond jewellery pieces, from necklaces, earrings and bracelets to engagement rings and wedding bands. These stones can be cut in a variety of popular shapes including round, pear, solitaire and cushion.

A common question we are asked is how big can lab grown diamonds get?



How are lab-grown diamonds made?

There are two methods used to make lab-grown diamonds: HPHT (high pressure high temperature) and CVD method. 

HPHT method involves creating the same natural conditions required for diamonds to form. An environment that is conducive to growing diamonds relies on using a mechanical press that applies both extreme pressure and high temperature. Here, a diamond seed is formed from the carbon and a distinct crystal structure begins to form. 

The CVD method is similar as it also uses a portion of a diamond seed to grow the diamond. CVD uses vapour gas, heat and low pressure to form the diamond over time. In this process, ionised plasma breaks down the gas molecules and allows carbon to bond to the diamond seed. After a short amount of time, layers of crystal form into crystal carbon. 

Even though they use different methods, both of these processes create large diamonds.

How big can lab grown diamonds get?

CVD is emerging at the forefront of the industry in terms of size, however, HPHT has proven to create diamonds reaching over a whopping 10 carats. In recent years, CVD has rapidly improved their diamond technology in a fiercely competitive environment, increasing its production capability from 6 carats to over 9 carats. 

For reference, most engagement rings range from 0.5 carats to 3 carats - which is considered a very large diamond. Lab-grown diamonds are capable of reaching astronomical sizes, more than those that are generally used in jewellery pieces.

Why is lab grown optimal for large diamonds?

If your sights lie on a striking, large diamond, then lab-grown diamonds are the best choice! They are grown in controlled conditions that allow the diamonds to grow flawlessly. They can meticulously form without compromising on quality or brilliance. It is also rare to find large diamonds, which means that they are especially expensive, while a lab-grown diamond will be significantly more affordable.

What is the biggest lab-grown diamond?

In 2017 scientists at the Augsburg University in Germany created the world’s largest disclosed synthetic diamond - a single 155-carat crystal diamond in disc form. The stone has a diameter of a whopping 92 millimetres and has flawless qualities. Physicist Matthias Schreck discusses how synthetic diamonds have unlimited potential for jewellery as well as various industrial applications including mechanics, optics and electronics. Not only this, but these diamonds could assist in producing more renewable energy. Read more about the diamond here

Lab-grown diamonds are capable of growing massively larger than diamonds that are used in jewellery. Even opulent and exuberant rings that are up to three carats utilise but a fraction of lab-grown diamond capabilities. If you are looking for a strikingly large diamond, then lab-grown is your best choice as they are grown in the most optimal conditions.

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